aumentoo’ s End-of-Year Review and Prospects for 2022
January 11, 2022How to find the right innovation management software
May 9, 2022aumentoo and Allgäu Digital are bringing companies and start-ups together
aumentoo and Allgäu Digital work hand in hand to create a digital ecosystem for innovation in the German region Allgäu with a platform for knowledge transfer, networking and collaboration.
aumentoo and the digital start-up center Allgäu Digital are working together to connect regional start-ups and companies on a digital platform. This cooperation aims to promote innovation and to strengthen the own entrepreneurial growth of the participants and in the long term also the Allgäu as a successful business location. Right from the start, Allgäu Digital not only acts as a start-up center, but also as a networking partner for companies and startups in the Bavarian region.
Providing a productive environment for innovation is the DNA of our company. We founded aumentoo as an innovation platform that enables corporates, start-ups or hubs to plan, run and manage innovation.
The future is collaboration. I am convinced of that. Innovative power unfolds above all in cooperation: regardless of whether it is two companies collaborating with each other or a start-up partnering with established companies. We see it as our mission to bring the right partners together. This makes the region resilient and innovative.
Win-win Situation for Start-ups and Corporates
So far there is no digital platform in Bavaria where companies and start-ups can search and find each other. Innovation only arises through contact, exchange and the joint application of new ideas and techniques. The platform supports start-ups and companies with three essential factors to innovate successfully:
- Find suitable partners
- Structure, plan, manage and implement innovation processes
- Benefit from a wide knowledge base with trend reporting, news, analysis and scientific articles
This is how the Cooperation looks like
Companies submit projects, questions or search requests on the platform and receive suggestions for start-ups that match the search criteria such as industry or skills. Start-ups, on the other hand, are visible to corporates, they can easily network and keep their profile information up to date. An extended knowledge database complements the possibilities of the platform. Knowledge transfer, experience and skills are crucial factors for entrepreneurial success. In terms of the shortage of skilled workers and trainees, targeted cooperation and networking and thus the sharing of ideas, knowledge and skills will be of great importance in the future.
Allgäu Digital - That's behind it
Allgäu Digital is a joint project between Allgäu GmbH and the city Kempten in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Kempten and IT-Gründerzentrum GmbH, Augsburg. Allgäu Digital is part of the digital organization Digitales Zentrum Schwaben (DZ.S).Allgäu Digital, Antonia Widmer and aumentoo, Harald Ostler © Allgäu GmbH